We just got back from a Q&A with Gary Phillips, author of The Underbelly, Politics Noir (ed.), Monkology: the Ivan Monk stories, Bangers, Shooter’s Point, The Jook and too many other projects to name.
Phillips discussed his writing process, how he keeps the language and tropes of noir fresh, and Citizen Kang, the political suspense serial he's currently writing at The Nation to an audience that included a group of students from Los Angeles High School.
I'm told that in upcoming months, the Memorial branch library will be hosting talks with writers including Paula Woods, John Shannon, Denise Hamilton, a line-up that should have any fan of L.A. crime fiction doing the happy dance.
I'll post more details when I get the dates, but in the meantime, I can't say enough nice things about the Memorial branch library, and their ability to drag a girl out of her house on a Monday night and show her a nice time. I'll definitely be going back.
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