In 2003, we tried to buy Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix from a small independent bookseller in Madison, WI, but they were sold out, so we wound up getting it at Borders.
In 2005, we decided not to mess with any of it, and ordered Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince from Amazon.
And until yesterday, I was still weighing my options as to where I ought to buy Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Then, while buying basil and tomatoes at my local Ralph's, I saw the following sign: "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will go on sale at 12:01 a.m., Saturday, July 21."
That settled it.
Tonight, I am buying my copy of Harry Potter at the grocery store.
I guess as penance I'm going to have to review this book later this evening, before committing the morally quease-inducing act of book-shopping at Ralph's.
But don't feel too bad. It's not like any vendors - box stores or independents - are making any money off this first wave of Potter sales.
I guess it just feels tacky to me. Like, three or four steps down from buying books at an airport bookstore or a Waldenbooks.
Tacky, for me, is morally quease-inducing.
I probably shouldn't admit that.
Not to be too much of an old geezer, but this reminds me of the sensation over the publication of "Roots," when everybody and his brother/sister was selling it. The book (which had appeared in excerpts in Reader's Digest) was released in conjunction with the mini-series.... At that time (1976) it was the largest initial hard-cover release in history. With 200,000 copies.
Mr. Geezer.
MY STUPID GROCERY STORE doesn't have Harry Potter.
I'm going to Albertson's instead to see if they can feed my need.
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